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Try RockTape for Muscle and Ligament Support

Writer: Wash Park ChiroWash Park Chiro

By Dr. Lisa Goodman, DC, CCSP, CACCP

Rocktape applied for ankle support

RockTape™ is a type of kinesiology tape used to support muscles and ligaments after injury, during rehab, or when returning to sport/activity. The tape is easy to apply and stays in place for up to 5 days. Once our providers show you how to use it, it is designed to be applied at home! 

Kinesiology Tape Benefits

  1. Compression and Support - much more effective than an ace wrap, kinesiology tape stays in place while reducing swelling and providing pain relief.

  2. De-load the injured area -. spreading out muscle and ligament stress over a larger area

  3. Pain Relief - the tactile input on the skin, compression and de-loading provide significant pain relief to strains, sprains and bruises.

  4. Swelling Reduction - the ‘edema reduction’ application promotes lymphatic drainage and reduces swelling and speeds resolution of bruising. 

  5. Muscle Retraining - through tactile input with movement, muscles ‘learn’ to work appropriately during rehab.


Rocktape™ gives support and stability to your joints and muscles without affecting circulation or range of motion. It is primarily used for to treat pain, reduce swelling, and provide support. Many athletes also use it for performance care. In contrast, traditional sports’ taping is wrapped around a joint strictly for stabilization and support during a sporting event obstructing the flow of bodily fluids as an undesirable side-effect. RockTape™ will not prevent injury or reduce the likelihood of traumatic injury to any joints. 

Functional Taping for Musculoskeletal Injuries

In addition to RockDoc taping certifications, our doctors are certified in FTMI (Function Taping for Musculoskeletal Injuries).  This protocol combines several types of tape including athletic, strapping and stabilization.  FTMI involves functional analysis of which tape applications may make an injury feel better and exactly how they should be applied.

When to Get Taped

RockTape™ is used for anything from headaches to foot problems and everything in between. Examples include: posture, muscular facilitation or inhibition in pediatric patients, carpal tunnel syndrome, lower back strain/pain (subluxations, herniated disc), knee conditions, shoulder conditions, hamstring, groin injury, rotator cuff injury, whiplash, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, patella tracking, pre and post surgical edema, ankle sprains, athletic preventative injury method, and as a support method.

RockTape™ Tape Applied

Here is a before and after picture a taping that Dr. Goodman placed on a patient with a large hematoma which had resulted from a skiing accident:

Before and after consistent Rocktape application
Before (left) and after (right)

Wash Park Chiro carries every type of RockTape™ available.  Stop by to check out our selection or call to make an appointment with one of our Rock Docs to apply it for you.

Important After Care Instructions following a RockTape™ Application

RockTape™ is extremely safe and gentle on skin. However, if you notice that your skin becomes immediately hot or itchy within an hour after applying you should remove the tape immediately following the instructions below. When in doubt, remove the tape if it becomes too uncomfortable.

  • When applying tape, skin should be clean and dry, no lotions or oils

  • Tape should remain in place for 3-5 days. If you try to remove it before then it will be extremely difficult to remove. You will know it is ready to come off when the edges begin to roll off easily

  • Tape can be worn in the shower, bath or swimming. Be careful to pat the area dry and not rub

  • Remove the tape when your skin is dry. Water and sweat make the tape adhere more strongly

  • Remove the tape 1″ at a time slowly. Do not rip the tape off too quickly, you will risk removing skin

  • We recommend one day of no tape in between taping applications to allow your skin to ‘breathe’ and replenish lost oils

Full videos of RockTape™ Applications are available on our Washington Park Chiropractic YouTube Channel and at

Follow @washparkchiro and @rocktape on instagram for current and featured applications!


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