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Would your gym or office benefit from a WPC Pop Up?

One of our most popular new offerings is on-location 2 hour mini clinics. We can do these at gyms or offices. We provide all of the equipment, forms and of course doctors of chiropractic. All you have to do is let your team know we are coming! Our goal is to provide one pop up clinic per month to give back to our community and assist people in taking a more proactive approach to their health and well being.

Why request an on-location pop up from Wash Park Chiro?

  • Limit your athlete’s time away from the gym due to injury.

  • Limit your employees time away from work due to pain.

  • Let our doctors address and and all health care questions from athletes or staff free of charge

  • Provide education and understanding of why an injury or pain is happening and what can be done about it

How it Works

  • We will select a date with your business where we can provide 2 hours of FREE chiropractic consultations and mini treatments.

  • You will create a signup sheet ahead of time and promote the pop up to your staff/clients

  • We can provide graphics and language to help you out.

  • We will bring two practitioners to facilitate consent forms, provide treatments and keep the flow of happy customers on time!

Treatments Provided

We will bring our vast toolkit! RockTape, TheraGuns, Graston and other scraping instruments, a chiropractic table and of course, our hands!


Treatment provided largely depends on each person's reason for stopping by. It is very possible that treatments can be received on site! But it will depend on a brief health history, risk factors, appropriateness of treatment and will always be at the doctor's discretion. We also guarantee to provide each client with our complete and candid recommendation for care, this includes recommendations for what they can do right now at home, what we can provide in our office as well as potential referrals to care outside of our organization

Why do we do Pop Ups?

We love our community and giving back is part of our commitment to foster a healthy and happy Denver. If we can help a few people at a time have a better understanding of their health and well being - it is worth it! We also want to make sure your team feels confident that they have resources for aches, pains and injuries. What better way than to meet our talented staff and put a face with a name? We hope to see you soon!



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